Noah Puckerman
General Information
Played by Mark Sallsim
Based on Mark Salling
Voiced by Kyle Price

Scott Carter (formerly)
The Boss (formerly)

Singing voice by Nick Conroy (spoof)

Patrick Howard (Gleedo)

Noah Puckerman, better known as "Puck", is a character from the SIMGM Glee spoofs. He is based on the Glee character with the same name. He is played by Mark Sallsim, the Sim equivalent of Mark Salling.


Season Two[]

He makes a very minor appearence in Just Say No to Boys in a flashback to Season One, when he tells Quinn that giving Beth up is for the best.

He then appears in Lazy Directions, he suggests that New Directions need to sing a song with music for regionals, and Mr Schuester agrees. At the end of the episode, he mentions that he doesn't want Will to start rapping.

Puck is first seen in Fuinn vs Fabrevans vs Finchel in the choir room when he is seen laughing at Rachel's clothes along with the rest of the glee club. In the final scene of the episode, him, Mike and Artie are talking, and he tells them that Lauren was checking him out at the gym before. Meanwhile they notice something in the sky. It is Mercedes flying a plane with a banner behind it reading 'Tater Tots'

Season Three[]

To be added.


Solos (In a Group Number)[]

Season 2



Solos with

Hello/New York, New York New York Funeral Finn, Rachel, Santana, Artie, Mercedes, Brittany and Quinn
Tonight Tonight Santana, Sam, Quinn, Kurt, Brittany, Artie, Finn, Tina and Rachel

Season 3



Solos with

Faith Pot of Asian Gold Finn, Rachel, Tina, Blaine, Kurt, Mercedes, Brittany, Santana, Quinn and Artie


Main article: Puck's Quotations


  • Puck has been voiced by five people, making him the character who has been voiced by the most people.
  • He is one of four characters to have a different actor for speaking and singing, the others being Jesse St. James, Sam Evans and Cooper Anderson.
  • Along with Sam, he is the only character in the spoofs to be voiced by both male and female actors.
  • Constantly gets his daughter Beth's name wrong. However, he did say her name correctly in the episodes Just Say No to Boys and The Brown Unicorn Project.
  • Scott originally auditioned for Sam, however the Boss and her brother felt that he would be more appropirate to play Puck.
  • From On My Big Brother onwards, Puck is voiced by Kyle Price, as Scott left for personal reasons.
  • In the Gleedo Puck's singing voice will be done by Patrick Howard, who originally auditioned for the singing voice of Mike, but five rounds of audition later won got the role of singing Puck.